The Sunshine Coast’s premier supplier of Grass Trees (Xanthorrhoea Johnsonii)

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About Grass Trees

The Grass Tree is an ancient and iconic Australian plant which makes a beautiful and unique addition to any garden whether it be a native bush garden or a modern landscape design.

About us

We are the premier supplier of high quality Grass Trees on the Sunshine Coast.

Our nursery specializes in large mature grass trees with spectacular design appeal. Our trees range in height from 10cm 198cm in trunk length.

All of our trees are harvested in accordance with licensing requirements and come with the official tag supplied by the Government. All plants are potted and kept in the nursery for sufficient time to have well established root systems and are sun hardened.

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Trees for sale

Our smaller trees start at $110 , and large trees start at $400.

Contact us for further details.



Phone: 0434 963 249